Tuesday, December 7, 2010

the Dark 'Knight'

Kinda been on a Batman craze lately and came up with this whole medieval taking the expression the dark 'knight' literally sort of thing. I'll post more art on the subject soon.

Friday, November 19, 2010


The way it really happened....

JLA title

I love the justice league. And because of that, I plan on making several JLA shorts.

Agent C has, as of this moment, been canceled. I sort of lost interest in the project. This happens a lot.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Launch Vector team!

"Fire up the V-0.3s! The drones have taken the command center!!"

"General! We don't have enough firepower!"

"I don't care cadet, we're gonna make scrap metal out of those drones!

Earths only hope.... January 2011....

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I love when people post comments. But I'd like you guys out there to post more. I know Funny Dude can't be the only person reading this( And FYI, this is not webs. )

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Agent C, this Thanksgiving....

This Thanksgiving is gonna be action packed!

The End of the Death Star

The poor imperials. (suckers!)
Another pic of the jackalon. In truth, it's based on the form of another alien created by Funny Dude who probably can't believe I'm giving him credit for this. To see his creature, watch stickmen episode 1. The green alien that eats and vomits the stickman is created by Funny Dude an is the origin of the jackalon's basic structure. Its name is the crocodillian.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

the Gnome has returned...

Gnome Attack is back!

More gnomes

The gnomes are coming!The gnomes are coming!

Gnome Attack short

A Gnome Attack short film I made.

a Busy day

Tomorrow will be busy. First, a family reunion, second, going out to eat with grandparents(maybe)
and then, going to a halloween festival at my other grandparents church. What a day.


I am, in a word, bored. I am basically off school today. My friend is at school, so I can't call him.
All that's on TV are little kid shows. So I guess I'll just sit down and post. Until I get bored of that too.

The Gnome's Revenge

a Gnome Attack spin-off I made. It is a continuance of Gnome Attack episode 9 which I star in.
I need some materials for drawing manga. Hopefully I'll get some for Christmas.
Until then, I can always dream of Thanksgiving. (Turkey & Ham!!!!)
Star wars the force unleashed 2. I "need" this game!

Star Wars. It rocks.

Who doesn't love stick people!?
Gnome Attack is a web show created by a kid like me for fun. In fact, I know the guy who made it! We've actually been best friends since we were little, 2 I think.

to see the episodes, go to: www.gnomeattack.webs.com

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Family Reunion

Family reunion Saturday. Maybe I'll film a little. Might even bring a drawing pad. Not sure.
Might not do either. If I know me I'll probably be to busy eating the food!

Luke on Dagobah

Hmm.... mabye my blog name should have
had something to do with star wars.....
A fictional species of alien I created. It's called a Jackalon
Yeah, more star wars.....

An old stopmotion I made when I was younger.

My favorite web show

A picture of darth vader I whipped up on paint.

Get Ready!

This is my first blog! Yea! Now I will be posting my original art and hopefully videos for all to see! Come visit and see what's new from time to time!
